Saturday, July 9, 2011

What an amazing show!!!

I would never have been able to foresee the huge abilities that these kids are capable of. Yesterday they had their show…a full evening production of individual pieces for each level; group dances choreographed by the teachers, choreography workshop, and repertory by the well known choreographers Mark Morris. Not only did all these kids learn and memorize everything they had to do, but for the show they all rose to the challenge and performed beautifully!

I’ll need a little more time before I describe the process of working with the yellow group. At first some of them were hesitant or timid, and I think disappointed that my “Caterpillar” piece wasn’t classical ballet movement (most of them love ballet.) I think some were hesitant of adults because they wouldn’t make eye contact with me, and didn’t want to answer questions. This all changed when I taught their class, and I began to see their motivation come alive. I am so proud at how they tackled the difficult John Adams music, and how they wound up counting some sections out loud, as a group. They looked like they really enjoyed dancing for an audience.

I’m rushing because we have another show today and I still need to eat breakfast and shower. I just wanted to describe that it hit me last night that I will be leaving after today, and that I won’t get to see these beautiful kid’s shining faces again, probably for a long time. I think about the connections I’ve made to so many of them: Bongi, Tasneem, Nosipiwe, Nuruneesa, Akosa, Odwa, Lwando, Phatiswa, and so many more….and a sadness washes over me and I cry on the spot. I have never been so sad to leave somewhere in my life. I think this is a sign that I’ll need to make an effort to come back as soon as possible. It means something profound for me to be in this place, and I’ll need time to figure out exactly what that means. For now, I have loved being here, working with these beautiful talented people, and I hope that I can return before too long.

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